This curriculum is intended to provide broad guidelines that are consistent with reasonable, forward-looking goals for children of different ages that we serve. The first thing we should remember is that every child is an individual and deserves to be treated as such. The next thing we should remember is that every child deserves to have fun, to be respected as a person, and to be allowed to play as a child, not as an adult until adult expectations are appropriate. If we focus on player development that is appropriate to the child, we will have the other successes we seek. This is consistent with the stated mission of VCYSA.
For this reason, we have included some broad goals to remind ourselves of the larger picture of development that we hope to foster with the world’s greatest game. Under these broad goals, though, we have suggested the kinds of activities that we believe can foster the player development we want for our kids. These guidelines are flexible and will remain under review as we test them, become better at expressing them to each other, and use them. They are also condensed. Some ideas are left understood. For example, as possession becomes a value for players and coaches, and is listed as such in the curriculum, it is understood that coaches will apply the simple principles of width and depth appropriately with their players.
The VCYSA curriculum and guidelines for player development for ages U6 to U17 (and up) are included in the attached document.
Document: VCYSACurriculum.pdf