2023-24 Season Tryouts/Evaluations
Click here to register: https://system.gotsport.com/programs/875068D45?reg_role=player
Tuesday, June 6th – U9-U10 Academy Evaluations
Boys & Girls
5:30-6:45 PM (2015 and 2014 Birth Years)
VCYSA Address: 990 W. Springhill Dr, Terre Haute, IN 47802
Tuesday, June 13th - U11-U12 Tryouts
Boys & Girls
5:30-7:00 (2013-2012 Birth Years)
VCYSA Address: 990 W. Springhill Dr, Terre Haute, IN 47802
Tuesday, June 13th - U13-U15 Tryouts
Boys & Girls
2009 players that are NOT going to be in high school in the Fall
7:15-8:45 (2011-2009 Birth Years)
VCYSA Address: 990 W. Springhill Dr, Terre Haute, IN 47802
Tuesday, June 13th - U15-U19 Tryouts
Boys & Girls
High School Players NOT attending THN or THS
7:15-8:45 (2009-2005 Birth Years)
VCYSA Address: 990 W. Springhill Dr, Terre Haute, IN 47802
9U 2015 15U 2009
10U 2014 16U 2008
11U 2013 17U 2007
12U 2012 18U 2006
13U 2011 19U 2005
14U 2010
Rain Date: Wednesday, June 14th
Teams will be formed as efficiently as possible, and families should contact respective DOC prior to tryouts with any questions or if not able to attend.
DOC – Kyle Baker, Director of Coaching and Player Development, [email protected]
Academy Director- Kevin Millington, Academy Director, [email protected]
Terre Haute Premier Tryout FAQ & Information
Returning Players
The evaluation process for our players is ongoing throughout the year. Coaches and Directors review each players performances in training and games year-round. A mistake (or a bad night) at tryouts is not going to erase a year of progress in the eyes of the TTFC (Travel Team Formation Committee) choosing teams…the same as one moment of brilliance will not.
New Players
New players will be assessed against existing players to see where they fit in. Multiple coaches will view new players to ensure that we do not miss anything and that we make as fair an assessment as possible in such a short amount of time.
Player Movement
One of the most challenging aspects of the tryout process for everyone, is the movement of players both up and down to ensure the teams are balanced with similar level playing abilities. If a player is placed on a lower-level team, please consider the benefit of being the top player and earning the majority of playing time on a lower-level team vs being the 17th/18th player on the higher-level team and spending a year with limited playing time and the frustrations that come along with that situation.
Parents Attending Tryouts
If you as a parent are anxious about the process of your child, you’ll serve your child better by staying further away from the fields. If you are anxious one of our best recommendations is to register your child, tell him/her to “have fun” and
“work hard”, and smile while they head to the fields. Then run some errands or find a nice place to read. If your child sees no anxiety in you, he or she will have less anxiety too.
The Rumor Mill
The tension associated with tryouts leads to exaggerated emotions and rash decisions if families are not careful. Families considering a move will also try to bring families with them. You’ll also hear gossip about coaching changes and players on their way in or out. It is our experience that most of the rumors and stories surrounding tryouts are false, or over exaggerated. Try not getting caught up in the gossip as this will significantly reduce your stress during the tryout process. If you wish to ask a question or get clarification on something, just ask our DOC, Kyle Baker, [email protected] . Only this avenue will provide accurate information.
Q. Can my child play up an age group?
A. We recommend all new players tryout in their birth year at tryouts unless they talk to the DOC first about playing up. All current Terre Haute Premier players that wish to play up a birth year, should notify the DOC prior to tryouts.
Q. If I miss tryouts is there anyway, I can still make a team?
A. Yes. Current players simply need to register and notify the DOC of their intention to play next season but will be out of town. Team email offers will still be sent out to those players after tryouts. New players need to notify the DOC as soon as possible to set up a supplemental evaluation.
Q. How do I register for tryouts?
A. Click this link to register online:
Everyone that wants to be considered for a team must register for tryouts, even if you are going to miss tryouts.
Q. When will we find out the tryout results?
A. We will begin making team offers as soon as possible and all players will receive an email within a week. Our goal is always to find a place for players to play at Terre Haute Premier and that any player wanting to commit to travel soccer has the opportunity to play at an appropriate level for that player. Please
note that some players will get offers before others. This happens! Emails are sent out individually and it takes time to do this.
Q. What is the process for accepting my spot?
A. After you receive an email with your team offer – click the link in the email to accept and you will be taken to your GotSport account that you used to register your son/daughter for evaluations/tryouts. If you wish to decline your offer, send an email to [email protected]. Once you complete the registration, you are committing to the full year with Terre Haute Premier. We ask all families to either volunteer for 2 hours each season, or you can select the volunteer buyout option instead, and that will be added to your registration. You will be asked to enter in your credit card and make a deposit to hold your spot. We offer payment plans to ease the burden of travel fees as well, or you can pay the balance in full.
Q. Why do I only have 48 hours to secure my accepted spot?
A. Every player’s acceptance or decline has an effect on every team/player in the age group so it is important to secure your commitment so that we can properly form teams in age groups.
Q. Is there a process for appealing a player’s position on a team if they don’t like their placement?
A. No – the tryout process is handled 100% by our TTFC (Travel Team Formation Committee), free from any outside influences or club politics. Our TTFC select players to play on teams where they believe will be best for that players development over the next 12 months. We fully understand that this might not always be in line with what the player or parents think. This is a common occurrence, and we understand that these differences will happen. Soccer is, after all, a game of opinions at all levels of play! There is, however, no process for any appeals on a team placement.
Q. Does a high school player need to attend tryouts in the summer of 2023 if the season doesn’t start until spring 2024?
A. YES! Those wishing to play in the Spring of 24 must attend tryouts in June of 2023, as the team formation begins right after tryouts. High school players often miss the opportunity to play because they don’t attend tryouts and teams fill up quickly.
Q. Do players from THN and THS need to attend tryouts if they attend the Rose Hulman team camp?
A. No. Players that attend THN or THS will participate in a high school team camp at Rose Hulman. If you are registered with us for tryouts, the Rose Hulman coaches will evaluate players and they do not have to attend tryouts. If you attend the Rose camp and want to play for us, you MUST register for tryouts. We cannot emphasize this enough. If the player is not registered with us for tryouts, the Rose coaches will not evaluate the player.
Q. Do the travel high school teams participate in a Fall tournament?
A. Yes, some of the high school teams will participate in a fall tournament.
Commitment/Refund Policy
My commitment is for the 2023-24 Travel year. If I elect to leave after registering with Terre Haute Premier, and before completion of the 2023-24 season commitment, there will be no refund of fees and the player will be unable to participate in the 2023-24 season with any other club. The exception to this would be if the player’s family moves a distance greater than 50 miles from the Vigo County area or a season ending medical issue.